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What Is Sound Healing And How Does It Work?

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Sound therapy is the use of music, chanting, toning and other sonic vibrations to balance the body, mind and spirit. It's a form of holistic medicine that uses the frequencies in music, including the energy vibrations that are found in crystals, to heal emotional and physical conditions. In this article we'll explore what sound healing is and how it works—as well as its benefits for your health!

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing is a practice that uses music and vibrations to heal and can be used as a form of meditation and relaxation. The power of sound is used by many cultures throughout the world as a means of healing illness or trauma, as well as connecting with higher planes of existence.

How Does Sound Healing Work?

Sound bath therapy works by restoring balance in the body through vibrations that correspond with certain frequencies in nature. It takes you to a theta state, that is an active state of hypnosis, a state where imagination and intuition are activated, new ideas and inspiration can flood, as well as massive shifts can occur. A lot of suppressed emotions get trapped within our body, and during one to few sound healing sessions they are brought to the surface and let go.

Science Behind Sound Healing

While it’s intuitive that music has a profound effect on us, modern science has given clearer glimpses at the neuroscience of sound. Sound healing is based on the premise that everything in the universe is energy: physical matter (including us) is made up of atoms which are vibrating at different frequencies; these vibrations are what give rise to our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Scientifically speaking, our body is made of 75% of water, and sounds travels 4 times faster in water: sound healing is beneficial because of the principles of sympathetic resonance (the body will vibrate at the same frequencies of the sound healing instruments) and brainwave entrainment (brainwave frequencies synchronize with the frequencies produced by the sound healers). As a result, sound healing works on all levels of your being: the cells will operate in harmony with each other, healing organs, bones and uncomfortable emotional states. Hence, it can be used to treat:

  • physical ailments, such as headaches and sore muscles

  • emotional issues, like depression or anxiety

  • mental blocks that may be holding you back from achieving your goals

  • spiritual disconnection from yourself or others in your life.

Types of Sound Healing

There are many types of sound baths, but they all use the power of vibrations to promote healing. At Altha we offer two different modalities: Water & Sound, that features a combination of alchemy singing bowls and water instruments (ocean drums, rain sticks and chimes) and The Altha Signature, that uses a large variety of instruments such as gongs, alchemy crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, drums and ocean drums, flutes and other instruments to create vibrations that resonate with your body's energy field (also known as the aura). Both modalities can be incorporated into different experiences, such as The Hypno-Sound Bath, Yin Yoga Sound Bath, Kindred Meditation Sound Bath, and more.

Sound Therapy Uses the Power of Music to Heal the Body

Sound medicine treats a variety of health issues, from stress and depression to insomnia and anxiety overwhelm. It can help with chronic pain, combat fatigue or boost immunity and digestion, as well as to heal trauma. It alleviates symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, tinnitus (ringing in ears), vertigo (dizziness) and more.

The benefits of sound therapy include:

  • Relaxation

  • Mood and sleep improvement

  • Tension reduction

  • Lower blood pressure and heart rate

  • Lower cortisol levels

  • Memory function improvement

  • Reduce feeling of anger

  • Repair DNA

Why it is Important to Experience a Sound Bath from a Certified Sound Healer

While sound healing might seem intuitive and easy to learn, it requires a certified and seasoned practitioner to design the ultimate relaxation experience, a facilitator that has a music background, and knows how to create harmonious melodies, as well as can softly and smoothly transitions instruments, that can guide people into a deep state of relaxation with his or her presence, as well as knows how to use his or her tone, voice, inflection to take guests on a meditative journey.


There are many ways to experience sound therapy. It can be used as a self-practice at home, in a professional setting during corporate events, as well as in group settings, indoor or outdoor in nature, and paired with movement (such as yoga or qi-gong for instance) or even while traveling, during wellness retreats. The most important thing is to find what works best for you and stick with it!

To Know more about sound healing read our blog - Benefits of Sound Healing

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