Experience the power of corporate wellness retreats

Corporate Wellness

It is no secret that employee health & happiness play a direct role in company success. Employee wellness is vital in creating an engaged workplace where employees are motivated, productive, inspired, focused, and efficient. Connect with your team by creating a bespoke professional sound healing experience that will help reduce stress & anxiety, increase creativity, prevent burnout, facilitate team building & connection, improve company culture, & enhance sleep quality.

Whether you are looking for an afternoon of relaxation for your team or are interested in creating an off-site or retreat, we are here to assist. In tandem we also offer custom corporate wellness retreats branding packages so your employees can enjoy the benefits of the experience long after the event. We are also thrilled to offer our signature Hypno-Sound Bath, which combines the transformative power of sound healing and hypnotherapy to offer clients a unique experience where we utilize the state of deep relaxation to assist employers and employees alike in reaching their specific goals.

Stress & Burnout

Studies show that 77% of professionals have experienced burnout at their current job, with many citing unmanageable stress and frustration as significant factors. Burnout can lead to reduced work quality, increased absenteeism, and even physical and mental health issues.

Workplace Challenges


Chronic stress and burnout contribute significantly to absenteeism. Employees overwhelmed by stress are more likely to take time off, impacting productivity and overall team morale.

Source: Deloitte | McKinsey

Lack of Motivation

High stress levels can diminish motivation and job satisfaction, leading to disengagement. Companies with high burnout rates often see reduced innovation and lower employee retention

Stress Management

Our programs are designed to address stress at its root. Through personalized hypno-sound baths, employees can achieve deep relaxation and mental clarity, reducing stress and its associated health impacts.

Altha's Corporate Wellness Retreat Solutions For:


By integrating mindfulness and hypnotherapy techniques, our programs help employees increase focus and efficiency. Participants learn to manage their time better and approach tasks with a clear, calm mind.


Our workshops and retreats are tailored to help employees gain mental clarity and emotional resilience. Techniques such as guided hypnosis and sound therapy facilitate deeper self-awareness and problem-solving skills.

Our Partners

The Altha Experience

Our signature Altha Experience offers a multisensory and fully immersive sound meditation designed for optimal well-being and improved productivity. Tailored to each client's specific goals—whether it’s relaxation, stress-release, creativity development, or more—we ensure a personalized approach.

We then use a scientifically selected range of instruments, including quartz crystal bowls from Utah, finely tuned Italian gongs, Theta Drums, and French chimes. Each instrument is chosen for its unique frequency ranges that resonate with human physiology. This precise orchestration of sound promotes a deeper state of relaxation and mental clarity, providing practical, immediate, and lasting benefits to employee well-being and productivity. These sessions not only soothe but also stimulate creative thinking and improve overall team dynamics in a corporate setting.

The process involves slowing your breath, focusing inward, and engaging with the therapeutic sounds of the instruments. This practice facilitates a state of relaxation and mental clarity that extends into daily life, improving overall well-being and performance.

Corporate sound healing sessions
Corporate Sound Bath for Peak Performance

Hypno-Sound Bath™

Hypno-Sound Baths synergize the calming effects of sound therapy with the transformative power of therapeutic hypnosis to improve stress management and foster team cohesion. Led by Board-Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Letizia Silvestri, these sessions stimulate creativity and elevate productivity by aligning subconscious motivation with conscious goals, ensuring a harmonious and efficient workplace environment.

Altha Offerings

RESET | A fast and effective session designed for immediate stress relief and mental clarity. Duration: 30 minutes.

RELAX | A calming experience aimed at reducing stress and promoting deep relaxation. Duration: 45 minutes.

RELEASE | An in-depth session focused on releasing emotional and physical tension for overall well-being. Duration: 60 minutes.

Corporate Sound Bath Session for Ultimate Relaxation

Mindset Workshops

One-time Workshop

An intensive session to introduce and implement powerful mindset transformation techniques. Duration: 120 minutes.

Package of 6 Workshops

A series of sessions designed to build and reinforce positive mental habits and productivity. Duration: 120 minutes each.

Package of 12 Workshops

A comprehensive program aimed at profound and lasting changes in mindset and mental resilience. Duration: 120 minutes each.

Transformative Power of corporate sound bath session

Corporate Retreats

Boost your team's productivity and well-being with Altha's corporate health retreats, designed to reduce stress and enhance motivation. The benefits of our retreats extend beyond the experience itself, providing your team with lifelong tools to manage challenges and maintain a positive outlook. The corporate sound bath price varies depending on the size of your group and the duration of the session. Our corporate sound bath session offers a unique and rejuvenating experience to help employees reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

One-Day Retreat

An extended retreat offering a thorough exploration of wellness practices to sustain corporate well-being and productivity. Over several days, your team will engage in comprehensive programs including daily corporate sound bath, hypnotherapy sessions, and collaborative exercises, fostering a more resilient and motivated workforce.

Discover how our retreats can transform your team’s performance. Check our Retreat Design & Planning Section or tap Learn More for more details and to book your next corporate wellness retreat experience.

Multiple Days Retreat

An extended retreat offering a thorough exploration of wellness practices to sustain corporate well-being and productivity. Over several days, your team will engage in comprehensive programs including daily sound baths, hypnotherapy sessions, and collaborative exercises, fostering a more resilient and motivated workforce.

Discover how our retreats can transform your team’s performance. Check our Retreat Design & Planning Section or tap Learn More for more details and to book your next corporate wellness experience.

Sound Healing for Your Corporate Wellness

YOGA | Improve physical wellness and flexibility with guided yoga sessions.

QI-GONG | Increase energy flow and mental clarity through this ancient practice.

BREATHWORK | Learn techniques to control stress and improve overall mental health.

TAPPING (EFT) | Reduce stress and improve emotional health with guided tapping using acupressure points.

REIKI | Promote relaxation and balance your energy fields with gentle energy healing.

ECSTATIC DANCE | Express yourself and release emotions through free-form dance, boosting joy and creativity.

CACAO CEREMONY | Connect with deeper emotions in a sacred cacao ceremony, fostering inner peace.


Gong Bowl Therapy for Corporate Wellness

Planning a corporate sound healing event should be effortless and enjoyable from start to finish. Don’t worry about sourcing materials—choose from our rental catalog of mats, blankets, and meditation pillows for a seamless experience. We also provide a professional sound system to ensure the perfect balance of Letizia’s voice with the delicate frequencies of the sound bowls, maintaining intimacy even in larger spaces. Our equipment includes a soundboard mixer, several microphones, and suitable speakers to adapt to your space. We handle installation to integrate smoothly into your environment, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience.


Corporate Wellness Gifting Services

Departing Gifts

To make your sound healing event as memorable as possible, we offer a variety of wellness-themed departing gifts that include essential oils, handmade sage bundles, gratitude journals, silk eye masks, or we can even help you create a bespoke Altha gift bag full of premium products!

Four our brochure that includes a detailed look at our offerings and our pricing information, please contact us below:

Our techniques and programs are rooted in scientific research, emphasizing the proven benefits of corporate wellness initiatives.

Explore the studies and evidence supporting our methods and the ongoing research and development behind our approach