Healing Trauma Through Hypnosis and Past Life Regression


In the pursuit of physical, mental, and spiritual wellness, traditional methods often meet their limits. But what if there was a way to delve deeper, beyond the surface, to address the root causes of our struggles? At Altha, we believe in the transformative power of hypnosis and past life regression therapy for trauma release. Let us guide you through how hypnosis and past-life regression can guide you through journey of self-discovery and healing.

Certified hypnotherapist

Understanding Hypnosis

Hypnosis, often misunderstood as some type of “mystical trance”, is a natural, focused state of mind where the conscious mind relaxes, and the subconscious mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions. It's very similar to the moments before sleep, where the boundaries between wakefulness and dreams are blurred. Through gentle guidance, individuals can tap into the depths of their subconscious, unveiling buried memories, emotions, and beliefs that may need to be addressed. It is often used to used to overcome fears, fight addictions, improve sleep, improve memory, reduce stress, serve as a non-pharmaceutical form of pain management, and more.

At Altha, we embrace the Integral Hypnosis® methodology, an evidence-based approach developed by the Hypnotherapy Academy of America and scientifically validated by a 4-year, $3 million NIH-funded study. This method combines classical hypnotherapy, modern techniques, and perennial wisdom traditions for superior results.

Hypnosis & Past-Life Regression: The Ideal Combination for Optimal Healing

Past life regression explores how past life experiences influence our present reality. It is a process that takes us beyond the confines of our current human experience, offering glimpses into previous incarnations and the karmic threads that bind us.

Through hypnosis, individuals can access memories and emotions from past lives, offering profound insights and opportunities for healing. These experiences often illuminate recurring patterns, unresolved conflicts, and soul lessons that echo across different lifetimes.

The Importance of Trauma-Informed Past-Life Regression Hypnosis

Trauma affects us deeply, shaping how we think, feel, and act. It can stem from big events or build up over time. However, we all have the power to heal within ourselves .

Hypnosis and past life regression offer ways to face trauma head-on. With hypnosis, we revisit moments in our lives, seeing them in a new light. Past life regression takes us even further, uncovering old wounds that may still hurt.

As we explore, we start to understand where our pain comes from. Bit by bit, we let go of what holds us back, guided gently by a trauma-informed hypnotherapist.

Altha’s Personalized Approach

At Altha, Letizia Silvestri, a Board-Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, leads our hypnotherapy services. With over 500 hours of training, Letizia brings compassion, empathy, and a warm personality to each session. She guides clients gently into a state of relaxation, empowering them to take control of their mental health journey.

Letizia's trauma-informed approach ensures a safe and supportive environment for healing. She understands the importance of emotionalized desire for change and emphasizes the collaboration between therapist and client.

During Altha’s past-life regression hypnosis sessions, Letizia skillfully guides each client to see the experience through a third eye perspective in order to remove the emotional charge from the situation. This careful approach ensures there is no re-traumatization as guests do not have to re-live these painful experiences in order to experience the benefits from this therapy.

Embracing Holistic Healing with Past Life Regression & Hypnosis

At Altha, we're committed to helping you unlock your full potential and thrive. Let us guide you on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment through hypnosis and past life regression therapy. Together, we can overcome obstacles, release trauma, and create a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Ready to start your healing journey? Connect with us today to schedule your consultation with Letizia and take the first step towards a happier, less stressful, more fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. The benefits of hypnotherapy include scientifically proven advantages such as alleviating anxiety, improving sleep quality, managing chronic pain, and enhancing confidence and motivation.

  • A. Sound healing products can effectively promote physical and mental well-being by harnessing soothing frequencies and vibrations that contribute to relaxation, stress reduction, and overall emotional balance.

  • A. A retail event becomes truly memorable and impactful when it creates engaging experiences that resonate with attendees, leaving a lasting impression and driving meaningful connections with the brand or products showcased.

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