Insights from Holistic Mastery Training: Trauma Release & Somatic Healing


Healing from often trauma requires more than traditional methods; it demands a holistic strategy that addresses both the mind and body. At Altha, we are passionate about integrating powerful techniques like sound healing, hypnotherapy, and somatic work into our offerings, and are feeling incredibly inspired by our founder Letizia’s experience at Dr. Christian Gonzalez’s Holistic Mastery Training. Read on to learn more about how these therapies can help you achieve deep emotional relief and lasting well-being.

aura cleansing

Overview of Holistic Mastery Training with Dr. G

Letizia recently had the pleasure of attending the Holistic Mastery Training with Dr. Christian Gonzalez, a program that is improving the way we understand and treat trauma. Dr. G’s philosphy is a blend of science and holistic practices, focusing on sustainable healing rather than temporary fixes. The program, designed for healers, integrates a variety of therapeutic techniques aimed at helping participants achieve deep, lasting emotional relief. The training included a holistic curriculum, experiential learning, and a strong sense of community and mentorship. At the in-person retreat, participants laughed, cried, screamed, and truly found their voices, releasing long-held emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

Understanding Trauma: Causes, Types, and Effects on the Body

Trauma is an emotional response to disturbing or distressing events that overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope (something that is too much, too fast, too soon, or too long for the mind to process). It can be caused by various factors, including physical or emotional abuse, accidents, loss, or witnessing violence. Trauma manifests in different forms, from acute trauma resulting from a single incident to chronic trauma stemming from prolonged exposure to distressing situations.

When trauma occurs, it activates the body’s sympathetic nervous system, triggering a fight-or-flight response. This response is designed to protect us in moments of danger, but when trauma is not properly processed, it can leave lasting effects on the body and mind. The constant activation of the sympathetic nervous system can disrupt the body’s natural balance, leading to chronic stress, anxiety, depression, and even physical illnesses. The gut-brain connection, mediated by the vagus nerve, plays a significant role in how trauma affects our overall health. The vagus nerve, which runs from the brain to the gut, regulates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and healing. When trauma is unresolved, the vagus nerve’s function can become impaired, leading to issues like digestive disorders, inflammation, and even a weakened immune system.

How Trauma Gets Trapped in the Body: Exploring the Mechanisms

Trauma is not just an emotional experience; it also has a physical component. When traumatic events occur, the body’s stress response causes certain hormones and chemicals to be released, preparing the body to either fight or flee. However, when the trauma is not fully processed or released, these stress responses can become "stuck" in the body, leading to chronic tension, pain, and other burdensome symptoms.

One of the key areas where trauma gets trapped is in the fascia—the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, organs, and nerves. The fascia can tighten and hold tension as a result of trauma, leading to restricted movement and chronic pain. Additionally, trauma can affect the function of the vagus nerve, disrupting the body’s ability to return to a state of calm and balance. This can keep the body in a prolonged state of stress, preventing it from healing properly.

As outlined in Dr. Bressel Van Der Kolk’s best-selling book, the body literally keeps the score of traumatic experiences, storing unresolved emotions in muscles, organs, and even in cellular memory. This is why some people experience physical pain or tension in specific areas of the body without any apparent cause—these are often signs that trauma is being stored in those areas.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy, and Somatic Work for Trauma Release

Releasing trauma from the body requires therapeutic interventions that address both the emotional and physical aspects of trauma. Dr. G’s Holistic Mastery Training revealed several powerful modalities for trauma release, including sound healing, hypnotherapy, and somatic work (or a combination), all of which will soon be available at Altha.

Sound Healing for Trauma Release
Sound healing, particularly with instruments like the sound healing drum, uses vibrations and frequencies to target deep into the body’s tissues, promoting relaxation and the release of stored tension. The sound vibrations help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, calming the body and mind, and allowing for emotional detox and release. This form of therapy is especially effective for those who have difficulty accessing or expressing emotions verbally, as it provides a non-invasive way to release trauma.

Hypnotherapy for Trauma Release
Hypnotherapy is another powerful tool for trauma release. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help individuals uncover and process deeply buried emotions and memories. It’s a highly effective method for emotional release, as it allows individuals to reframe traumatic experiences and break free from the patterns that keep them stuck in a in painful cycles. Hypnotherapist session offers a safe space to explore and heal from trauma, leading to lasting changes in both mindset and behavior.

Somatic Work for Trauma Release
Somatic work focuses on the body’s role in trauma healing, using techniques that engage the body’s natural healing processes. This can include breathwork, movement, and touch therapy, all of which help to release trauma stored in the body. Somatic work is especially effective in reconnecting individuals with their bodies, helping them to feel safe and grounded. This type of therapy can be more powerful than traditional talk therapy because it addresses the physical aspects of trauma directly, allowing for a deeper level of healing.

Coming soon we will soon offer personal sessions and group experiences for trauma release that include elements of sound healing, hypnotherapy, and somatic work. This therapy method will help individuals heal from trauma on a deep level, restoring balance to both body and mind.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram to be the first to know when these sessions become available.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. Sound healing uses vibrations and frequencies to penetrate deep into the body’s tissues, promoting relaxation and releasing stored trauma. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, sound healing helps calm the body and mind.

  • A. Somatic work focuses on the body’s role in healing trauma by engaging natural processes like breathwork, movement, and touch therapy. It helps release trauma stored in the body, reconnects individuals with their physical selves, and provides a deeper level of healing than traditional talk therapy.

  • A. Yes, hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for trauma release. It accesses the subconscious mind, allowing individuals to process buried emotions and reframe traumatic experiences. Hypnotherapy facilitates emotional release, helping break the cycle of pain and leading to long-term healing.

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