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Sound Healing and Kindrêd Meditation: Corporate Team Building Experience

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When the Love Tower at Ashah team contacted us to host a team building activity for their group, we were delighted by the opportunity to be a part of such an inspiring project. The Love Tower at Ashah is a project centered around connecting like-hearted individuals through the united purpose of spreading love. Located by the sea in Puerto Rico, it will be a sacred tower monument representing hope, unity, and the infinite power of love for the world. The sacred tower will be the home to several Music-Enhanced Heart Meditation Experiences and Programs where people from all around the world can experience and cultivate love through music, art, dance, and meditations. It will also include a library, an herbal apothecary, a healing sanctuary, arts & artisan crafts, and an amphitheater. As the Love Tower at Ashah is centered around amplifying love, we curated a bespoke Kindrêd & Sound team-building session for them focused on that principle.

On a warm and sunny summer day in Laguna Beach, the Love Tower at Ashah team embarked down to the sparkling sea for an afternoon of connection and relaxation. Upon descending down the stairs to the gorgeous beach, guests were delighted by the stunning ocean view complemented by the custom healing area which included a variety of instruments, Black & Jane sage bundles, custom pink silk Altha eye masks, and personal samples of Inara’s signature fragrance.

The scent of palo santo complimented the salty air as Altha healers cleansed each guest as they found their healing spots. As the healers introduced themselves the team discovered that they were in for a treat: in addition to our Signature Altha sound bath the guests would also be participating in a custom sound-healing infused Kindrêd Meditation session facilitated by Kindrêd facilitator Cora Mickael.

After explaining that Kindrêd is a form of partner movement meditation, Cora began the custom love-focused session by leading the team through a lung opening exercise which consisted of guests moving their bodies to the rhythm of their breath while Altha healers played the powerful gong.

Following this, guests were led through an intuitive movement sequence focused on the sounds of nature; the ocean waves perfectly complimenting the Altha healers playing the gong.

The Love Tower Team then partnered up and participated in a Kindrêd echo exercise, where each guest moved to conjure up the feeling of love in front of their respective partner who was present to receive their loving energy. As a surprise addition to this exercise, talented vocal artist Kate Fay sang a calming melody about love as guests moved to the sound of her uplifting voice. As with most Kindrêd sessions, the completion of this connection exercise resulted in many laughs, smiles, and hugs from the Love Tower team.

After forging a new level of connection with one another, the team laid down in preparation for a signature Altha sound bath consisting of a body scan meditation, gongs, alchemy singing bowls, rain sticks, ocean drums, Chakapa, chimes, and Tibetan bowls – all complimented by the sound of ocean waves crashing and seabirds chirping.

After re-integrating with their surroundings post-sound bath, the Love Tower Team headed out to attend a beautiful team dinner feeling renewed, relaxed, refreshed, and much more deeply connected.

To learn more about the Love Tower and donate to the project (which includes having your name inscribed on the tower walls) check out their website HERE.


New to Altha? We are an LA-based modern sound healing group committed to creating bespoke wellness experiences in Beverly Hills, Marina Del Rey, Orange County and beyond! 

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